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In the United States, almost two-thirds, or 64 percent, of children attend preschool in the year prior to kindergarten (generally age four.) More than five million children attend some sort of preschool (called nursery school in Great Britain.) Preschool is not just babysitting. A good preschool also practices activities geared towards teaching and routine. Some studies show that preschool has a huge impact on a child’s ability to keep up in class. However, not everyone agree. Critics of preschool say that it’s “too much, too soon,” and that young children are better off learning at home. Michael Smith, President of the Home School Legal Defense Association says, “We are in danger of over-institutionalizing them. A child will develop naturally if the parents give the child what he or she needs most in the formative years -- plenty of love and attention. In this way, the brain can develop freely."


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