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Activities for preschoolers include everything from coloring and drawing, playing games, reading books, planting a garden to nap time and rest. Some activities, of course, require more supervision than others. Try to gear at least some of your activities towards specific things you want the children to master, such as counting, learning to use scissors, learning the alphabet, etc. The following is a list of items for various activities for preschoolers, plus some fun ideas!
BR> Make a piggy bank out of a Pringles can. Slit the top and paint the tube or cover with colored paper.
Playdough, use with plastic knife, rolling pin, cookie cutters, etc.
Painting with non-toxic watercolors or finger paints.
Draw pictures with white chalk on dark construction paper
Plastic scissors and paper
Stencils, paper, colored pencils
Shallow bucket on a towel on the floor. Add water, boats, plastic fish, measuring cups, etc.
Writing tray: Put a layer of rice or cornmeal in a cookie sheet. Let children “write” in it - good for practicing letters and numbers
Mini-sandbox: Put a layer of sand in a large box. Add trucks, cars, popsicle sticks.
Throw a blanket over a card table or a couple of chairs to create a secret “hideout” or “tent.”
Make a tunnel out of kitchen chairs
Stack cups or containers of different sizes
Outdoor chalk for sidewalk, patio or steps.
A cup with non-toxic soapy water and a straw to blow bubbles. You may put it on a sheet of paper and add food coloring to the water.
A cloth measuring tape
Make a necklace or “snack chain” out of cereal such as Froot Loops, Cheerios, etc.
Make a necklace out of macaroni
Arrange blocks by size, color, or shape.
Flash cards for ABCs, etc.
Pictures with colored glue. If you put these on a smooth plastic sheet, it can be peeled off when dry.
Draw roads, houses, etc. on large paper or cardboard for use with small cars
Water color with food coloring, eye dropper or paint brush, coffee filter.
Beanbags and a bucket
Various coloring books and crayons


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